Tips for Decorating Your Pre-Lit Christmas Tree with a Faux Fur Tree Skirt

Tips for Decorating Your Pre-Lit Christmas Tree with a Faux Fur Tree Skirt

How to Avoid Sun Damage While Decorating Your Pre-Lit Christmas Tree

It’s that time of year again when we all start getting into the Christmas spirit by decorating our homes with festive decorations. One of the most popular decorations for the holiday season is the pre lit Christmas tree. However, while setting up your tree may be a joyous occasion, it can also negatively affect your skin. The artificial lights illuminating these trees emit UV rays that can damage your skin, increasing the risk of skin cancer. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to avoid sun damage while decorating your pre-lit Christmas tree.

Remembering to protect your skin from harmful UV rays is essential. You can easily do this by using sun protectants with a high SPF. Not only will this help protect your skin from UV rays, but it can also prevent premature aging, sunburns, and skin cancer. Dermatologists recommend using sun protectants daily, even when it’s cloudy outside, so you should make this a part of your daily skincare routine.

In addition to using sun protectants, you should cover up as much as possible. Wear a hat and long-sleeved clothing to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Also, try to position your tree in an area that receives less direct sunlight. This can help reduce the UV rays that find their way to your skin.

The Benefits of Using a Faux Fur Tree Skirt

Another popular decoration for the Christmas tree is the tree skirt. A faux fur tree skirt is a trendy option that adds warmth and a touch of luxury to any holiday decor. But did you know that a faux fur tree skirt can also benefit your skincare routine?

Faux fur tree skirts are a great way to keep your skin from coming into direct contact with the tree base, which can be covered in sap, dirt, or debris. This can irritate and dry your skin, leading to redness, inflammation, and breakouts. Additionally, a faux fur tree skirt can prevent irritation from potential allergens that may be present on genuine fur tree skirts.

One more benefit of using a faux fur tree skirt is that it can act as a barrier between you and your pet’s hair, which can also irritate your skin. Finally, imitation fur is easier to clean than real fur and can be machine-washed without losing quality. This means you can wash your faux fur tree skirt between uses to ensure no harmful bacteria or allergens are present.

In conclusion, decorating your pre-lit Christmas tree with a faux fur tree skirt can benefit your skincare routine. By using sun protectants, seeking advice from a dermatologist, and opting for a faux fur tree skirt, you can enjoy a festive holiday season without worrying about skin damage or irritation. Happy holidays!